
As your State Senator, I have tirelessly fought for voting rights, healthcare, and education. I am committed to continuing to make Kansas a better place for all by championing policies that protect our communities and promote a brighter future.

Medicaid Expansion

Medicaid expansion has been a decade-long wait for Kansans while 40 other states benefit. Expanding Medicaid is crucial for affordable healthcare, supporting rural hospitals, and saving lives. I will relentlessly push for this vital policy to improve health and reduce costs.

For over a decade, Kansans have been waiting for the legislature to pass Medicaid expansion, watching as 40 other states reap the benefits. During this time, Kansans' health has suffered, and our taxpayers have contributed to funding Medicaid expansion in other states through federal taxes, without receiving the same benefits at home.

Medicaid expansion is vital for our state. It provides essential healthcare coverage to low-income Kansans, reduces healthcare costs for everyone, and ensures that our rural hospitals can continue to serve their communities. Thousands of hardworking Kansans fall into the "doughnut hole"—earning too much to qualify for Medicaid but too little for affordable insurance through the ACA. Medicaid expansion would give these individuals access to necessary medical care, improving their health and financial stability.

This year marked a significant step forward, as Governor Kelly's 2024 Medicaid Expansion bill received public hearings in both the Senate and House—the first in four years. Despite broad support from 68% of Kansas voters, including 51% of Republicans, and 83% of small business owners, legislative leaders removed funding for Medicaid expansion from the budget, opting instead to increase rates for the current population. This decision will cost the state an additional $151 million in fiscal year 2025, while our medical providers receive $458 million less.

According to the Kansas Health Institute, Governor Kelly’s Medicaid expansion plan would enroll 150,000 Kansans in the first year without any additional cost to the state government. Expanding Medicaid would save lives, lower healthcare costs, and stimulate the Kansas economy by creating jobs in the healthcare sector and fostering a healthier workforce. Kansans are currently paying federal taxes that fund healthcare in other states but not our own, having already missed out on nearly $7 billion in federal funds. It's time to ensure all Kansans have access to the essential healthcare they deserve.


Education in Kansas deserves more investment, especially in special education. I support affordable childcare, strong teacher support, and smart policies that empower our children to thrive.

Education is the foundation of our community's future, and as your State Senator, my mission is to ensure that every child in Kansas has access to the highest quality education. This year, we have made significant strides in improving our schools, but there is still much more to be done to support our students and educators.

The education budget remains the largest portion of our state’s budget, yet Kansas still lags behind many other states in per-student spending. Although the legislature claims to have "fully funded" schools, including special education, they have only provided the bare minimum required by law. For special education, the allocated $75 million falls short of the $82 million needed annually for at least the next four years. I have consistently advocated for adequate funding to ensure all students receive the support they need.

This year’s budget includes several positive initiatives. To help schools like Wichita’s USD 259 manage declining enrollment, we fought for a provision to average enrollment numbers over the last two years. Additionally, the budget allocates $1.3 million for the Teacher Workforce Mentorship Program and $1.9 million for Professional Development, crucial for supporting and retaining our dedicated teachers.

One of the standout legislative achievements is the Blueprint for Literacy (SB 438), which aims to enhance how educators are trained to teach reading. This innovative bill will ensure our students develop strong literacy skills, setting them up for academic and lifelong success.

Another significant development is the establishment of the Office of the Child Advocate (Senate Bill 115). This independent agency consolidates child advocacy efforts, promoting accountability and transparency, and ensuring that the rights and voices of Kansas children are protected.

However, several important bills did not pass this session. SB 502 aimed to improve teacher retirement plans by moving teachers from KPERS III to KPERS II, offering better benefits to help recruit and retain quality educators. Making childcare more affordable was also on the agenda with SB 264 and SB 436, which proposed increasing tax credits for dependent care expenses and establishing a child tax credit for low-income families, respectively.

Another critical issue is the partisan challenges to books in libraries. Senate Democrats introduced SB 358 to ensure that book challenges are made thoughtfully and by local residents. This bill would require challengers to read the entire book and live in the district served by the school or library.

As we address these challenges, I remain committed to supporting our students, teachers, and families. Your involvement is crucial as we work together to create a better future for all Kansans. The progress we have made this session is just the beginning of a larger effort to prepare our students to contribute positively to society.


Kansas leads in wind energy but lags in solar power despite being one of the sunniest states. I support renewable energy initiatives and local control over environmental policies like plastic bag bans, ensuring a cleaner, greener future for all Kansans.

Kansas has long been a national leader in wind energy and is poised for even greater growth. Our state's vast plains place us among the top five states for wind generation, with the third-largest share of electricity coming from wind. In 2022, wind power accounted for 47% of all in-state electricity generation, creating significant opportunities for businesses and communities to engage in this transformative energy sector.

However, when it comes to solar energy, Kansas has not seen the same level of support. Despite being one of the ten sunniest states, with 128 sunny days per year, solar energy accounts for only 0.02% of our state's electricity. This places Kansas 48th in the nation for solar energy. The cost of installing solar panels here is significantly below the national average, and the federal government offers a 30% tax credit for installation. To fully realize our potential, Kansas should offer state-level incentives similar to those in leading solar states, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and fostering a brighter future for solar energy.

Local control over environmental policies is also crucial. In 2023, we successfully stopped a bill in the Senate Commerce Committee that would have prevented communities from banning plastic bags. This victory was significant for Kansas' environment. However, a similar bill, House Bill 2446, later reached the Senate floor, aiming to block local bans on single-use plastic packaging. I spoke against this bill and voted against it, championing the importance of local control. Thankfully, Governor Kelly ultimately vetoed this harmful legislation.

As we move forward, I remain committed to advocating for renewable energy and local environmental policies. By supporting wind and solar energy and allowing communities to enact their own environmental measures, we can ensure a cleaner, more sustainable future for Kansas.

Reproductive Healthcare

Reproductive decisions belong to individuals, not politicians! I am dedicated to safeguarding a individual's right to make their own medical choices.

The right to make personal decisions about reproductive health is fundamental. On August 2, 2022, Kansans overwhelmingly affirmed that these decisions should be left to individuals, their families, and their healthcare providers, not politicians. This vote was a clear mandate against legislative interference in personal medical choices.

Our Kansas constitution guarantees bodily autonomy for all Kansans. Despite this, some legislators are determined to insert government into the doctor-patient relationship. Nearly two years after this historic vote, the legislature has introduced 33 bills aimed at restricting abortion access and undermining the will of the people.

Many of these bills support anti-abortion pregnancy centers with taxpayer funds. These centers often do not offer comprehensive healthcare services and instead focus on spreading misinformation. Kansas women and taxpayers deserve real healthcare investments, not facilities that may lack medical professionals.

One such bill, Senate Bill 498, establishes a tax credit for contributions to anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) and exempts these centers from sales tax. While it claims to support pregnant women, it mainly offers minimal assistance like diapers and breastfeeding information, diverting funds from legitimate reproductive healthcare services.

Another bill, HB 2749, imposes unnecessary and invasive reporting requirements on abortions. This law mandates that healthcare providers submit detailed reports on each abortion, including personal information about the patients. Such data collection serves no medical purpose and infringes on patient privacy. Despite a veto from Governor Kelly, the legislature overrode it, enforcing HB 2749 and disregarding the will of Kansas voters.

These legislative efforts to restrict abortion access contradict the clear message sent by Kansans: personal medical decisions should remain private. I will continue to advocate for a woman's right to make her own healthcare choices and oppose any measures that seek to undermine this fundamental right.

Voting Rights

Voting should be easier, not harder! I stand firmly against efforts to restrict access and will fiercely defend every Kansan’s right to vote.

Voting is a cornerstone of our democracy, and it's crucial that every eligible voter has easy access to the ballot. Unfortunately, recent legislative efforts in Kansas have sought to restrict this access. Proposals to eliminate the three-day grace period after Election Day, remove ballot drop boxes, and ban voting machines would make voting more difficult for many Kansans.

Kansas elections are already safe and secure, as confirmed by our Secretary of State. However, these proposed changes would create unnecessary barriers, especially impacting those who rely on mail-in voting. During the 2020 election, many Kansans used vote-by-mail to safely and conveniently participate in the democratic process.

Removing the three-day grace period after Election Day would disenfranchise voters who need extra time, including those with disabilities. It's essential to ensure that all votes are counted and that the electoral process is accessible to everyone. Voting from home before Election Day allows voters to avoid long lines and make informed decisions in the privacy of their own homes.

I am committed to protecting the voting rights of all Kansans. I will continue to oppose any measures that make it harder for people to vote and will advocate for policies that promote voter participation and ensure every eligible voter can have their voice heard.

Gun Violence

Gun violence in Kansas is at an alarming rate. I’m advocating for common-sense measures like background checks and secure storage to protect Kansans and reduce gun violence.

The issue of gun violence is critical in Kansas, where data shows that more guns do not equate to greater safety. Despite claims from our Attorney General, the statistics are alarming: 434 Kansans die from gun-related incidents every year, and 655 are wounded. Our state ranks 19th in the nation for gun violence, and the rate of gun deaths in Kansas has surged by 48% over the past decade, outpacing the national increase of 33%.

Research consistently shows a direct correlation between the strength of a state’s gun laws and its rate of gun deaths. States with stronger gun laws experience fewer fatalities. In Kansas, however, we lack foundational public safety policies that could significantly reduce gun violence without infringing on the rights of responsible gun owners.

To improve public safety, we should implement several common-sense measures. Background checks and permits for gun purchases and concealed carry should be mandatory, similar to the training and licenses required for new drivers due to the potential dangers of automobiles. Extreme risk laws are also crucial, allowing law enforcement or family members to petition for a court order to temporarily restrict access to guns for individuals in crisis. This proactive approach can prevent potential tragedies. Moreover, while self-defense laws are important, Kansas' 'stand your ground' law goes beyond traditional standards by removing the duty to retreat before using force. This complicates the investigation of such cases and limits law enforcement's ability to respond effectively. Additionally, encouraging secure storage and child access prevention laws can significantly reduce accidental shootings and unauthorized access to firearms. Unfortunately, the Kansas legislature has repeatedly ignored these proposals.

It's clear that stronger gun laws lead to fewer deaths. Implementing these sensible policies can protect Kansans and reduce the devastating impact of gun violence on our communities. I am dedicated to advocating for these changes to ensure a safer Kansas for all.